Why Smart Fish Farms Are Betting Big on IoT

Emily Newton

Worldwide, hobby and professional farmers notice fish consumption trends. The ballooning interest in the market requires agriculturalists and fishers to enter the digital age of smart fish farming to meet demand.

The Internet of Things (IoT) may be the most significant asset to modern fish farms. Its expensive upfront investment and learning curve promises monumental payoffs for even the smallest outfits. How will the waters change with the IoT’s advent?

How the IoT Influences Smart Fish Farming

The IoT changes workflows in smart fish farming by incorporating novel technologies. The machines, sensors, and data-gathering options enhance production by giving workers more freedom while expanding what they’re capable of within a day’s work. What IoT-powered technologies are available, and what do they do for IoT implementation strategies?

  • Artificial intelligence: Manifests as software or apps to learn fish behavior, synthesize data, and ask for suggestions on process improvements.
  • Computer vision: Provides constant visuals and filmed footage of the farm while identifying parasites, predators, or hatchling progress.
  • Smart software: Compiles data and visualizes farm performance.
  • Geo-sensors: Monitors habitat borders and tracks supply.
  • Remote robots: Automate harvesting and patrolling of fish farms to prevent illegal catching and assist the workforces.

Finally, the IoT influences the sector by incentivizing the industry to grow. More people will enter it shortly because the IoT makes it accessible and secure. Streamlining manual processes eliminates labor resistance, and technologies raise the probability of profitable, stable operations. Hours spent engaging with the smart fish farm reduced drastically.

Workforces who have never hand-fed a fish farm no longer need to research schedules based on species and habitat interaction. The IoT analyzes the environment and distributes food with digital feeders based on population, and species data and set schedules.

Workers will discover precise trends in their farms, including feeding times and average quantities. Automation is the future of fisheries as human intervention becomes less necessary to keep production afloat.

What IoT Promises Fish Farms

IoT technologies alleviate burdens on fish farmers by reducing labor stresses. They also provide insights to let operators become more intimately familiar with their farm’s behaviors, growth patterns, metabolism, and even heart rates.

Workers will acquire higher proficiency in their field. Many crop growers dabble in fish farming because the byproducts increase yields — filtered waste from tanks or ponds makes ideal fertilizer, which garners boosted revenue.

The IoT promises to make these numbers even more staggering, solidifying corporate foundations with shaky resilience. It does this by keeping fish healthier and more productive.

Sensors and drones alert operators if the habitat is behaving abnormally. For example, automated machines may clean water daily, but what if the systems malfunction, allowing waste and litter to accumulate? What if oxygen levels are dipping, resulting in unexpected deaths? Salinity or pH could shift at any time.

Fish farmers have constant and enhanced oversight of their stocks, only needing to act when necessary. The lenses of underwater drones permit observation without harmful and excessive interactivity, especially in increasingly fragile ecosystems.

The equipment reinforces peace of mind in already stressed farmers. They know their reliable IoT systems will trigger their attention as soon as suspected concerns arise. Maintaining consistently crystal-clear waters for healthy fish growth is an apparent boon, but advantages go a step further.

IoT-powered lasers and computer vision identify and eradicate some parasites and invasive species. A Norwegian AquaTech company helped delouse a farm of over 50 million trout and salmon with 140 lasers.

The equipment prevents disease spread and the destruction of a season’s haul. Illness-free smart fish farming encourages steady reproductive behaviors and a higher quality of life.

Why Smart Fish Farming Will Make Long-Term Impacts

Norway obtained another success by greenlighting its first smart fish farm, Mariculture, estimating the output and distribution of three million salmon. The monumental ribbon-cutting signifies a strong future for IoT-embedded fisheries because it will capture double that of Ocean Farm — Norway’s premier offshore fish transfer system.

For too long, fisheries have had to use industry knowledge to monitor fish, which are hard to see underwater. If this initiative reaches projected numbers, other fisheries will adopt its ideas.

Success will catalyze more operations worldwide. However, the hopeful long-term impact of this expansion is the gradual adoption of more sustainable fishing practices. Incorporating the IoT and AI in oceanic ecosystems and offshore fisheries delivers these benefits:

  • Observes ocean health nearby fisheries
  • Monitors on at-risk marine life and coral reefs
  • Gathers more diverse data for scientific research
  • Identifies plastic pollution concentrations

Overfishing and human-derived climate change compromise numerous aquatic species yearly, making smart fish farming and controlled environments more essential than ever.

Continuous monitoring is also necessary for mitigating climate change impacts, such as severe weather and gradual ecosystem shifts. The IoT maintains habitat metrics for livable conditions while notifying fisheries if disasters endanger the farm’s structural integrity.

How Smart Fish Farming Will Solve its Challenges

Overfishing has depleted species, yet human populations continue to soar. The Food and Agriculture Organization predicts the Earth will reach nine million by 2050, and there has to be enough food to sustain it.

Experts determined the seafood trade will increase by 50 percent by 2050 to satisfy consumers. Overall population growth is a contributing factor, though many of these individuals may be born in areas that already use fish as their primary protein source.

Additionally, dietary trends like pescatarianism could influence individual purchasing behaviors, causing a minor surge in the fish market over time. IoT assets provide enough information to allow smart fish farms to scale gracefully while producing more.

However, instances like Mariculture’s opening reveal oversights in the aquaculture industry preventing it from having sustainable growth. Land rental rights are a hurdle for many seeking offshore operations that may even reduce competitiveness worldwide. Their complexity compounds as regulatory and compliance frameworks for smart fisheries formulate in detail for the first time in history.

The final hurdle will be moving from machine learning to deep learning. This type of IoT and AI intelligence is more robust in theory, but datasets are not comprehensive enough yet. Attentive supervision and training will fill out data gaps until it is viable.

Machine-Powered Waters

Melding the IoT with fisheries seems like a disjointed collaboration. In reality, it’s a necessary development aquaculture must make to battle species depletion caused by overfishing and to maintain steady profits.

Digital transformation is also a powerful springboard into more sustainable operations, as data reveals opportunities for decarbonization and improved quality of life for aquatic species. Fisheries must begin implementing these technologies to set a precedent for more fruitful and ethical operations.

Emily Newton
Emily Newton - Editor-in-Chief of Revolutionized | Industrial Content Writer, Revolutionized.com
I specialize in writing in-depth articles for the industrial and sci/tech sectors. In addition to my work for Revolutionized, my works have been published on Engineering.com, ReadWrite, and Global Trade Magazine. Please connect with me on LinkedIn!
I specialize in writing in-depth articles for the industrial and sci/tech sectors. In addition to my work for Revolutionized, my works have been published on Engineering.com, ReadWrite, and Global Trade Magazine. Please connect with me on LinkedIn!