Solving Cellular IoT Security Challenges
This ebook by Aeris addresses IoT security challenges and proven solutions to safeguard investments in IoT.
Simply put, if something can be attacked, it will be—especially if it is accessible over the internet. The escalating frequency and severity of security threats have undoubtedly increased the market awareness of this sobering reality. With IoT devices in particular, there are unique characteristics that make them even more vulnerable than IT end devices like computers, tablets, or smartphones. Solving cellular IoT security challenges can be difficult.

It is a hyperconnected world we live in today. From homes to the office, from indoors to outdoors, on land, in air and sea, there is a growing number of internet of things (IoT) devices that are connected through wired or wireless technologies. Whether they are personal devices like smart phones, stationary devices like smart street lights, or mobile units like automotive vehicles or freight trucks, the growing adoption of IoT devices is rapidly changing how we live. They have broad capabilities with real-world benefits to make our lives better, more enjoyable, safer, or more productive
The sheer volume of devices in an IoT network makes them an attractive target. While businesses are racing to incorporate IoT devices and developing their own products/solutions, extra care and an equal investment in time and resources must be made to ensure the benefits are not encumbered by potential security threats. This security guide highlights the growing hidden risks and proven, real-world solutions to safeguard investments in IoT as there are quite a few IoT security challenges.