Over the past decade, the application of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on society. Independent of industry or silo, IoT application has provided organizations with more insightful monitoring, enhanced functionality, and key data around critical processes that weren’t available before this technological evolution. Like every other technology and application today, IoT is rapidly pushing to further advance the capabilities of IoT through integration with cloud-native services in major public clouds such as AWS and Azure. To accomplish this, IoT device management may be the key.
Challenges of Bringing IoT Into the Cloud
One of the primary challenges in the pursuit for convergence between IoT and Public Cloud has been the interfacing between IoT devices and cloud-native services. When you think about effective scaling in the cloud, one of the primary considerations is the management of services. To support functionality and scale, users require effective and intuitive platforms to manage, monitor and configure services. Today, we’re finding this same challenge as IoT moves into the public cloud space, creating a need for effective IoT device management.
To address this challenge, AVSystem, an IoT device management company, recently announced the integration of its Coiote IoT Device Management (DM) service with both Microsoft Azure IoT Hub and Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT Core via Lightweight M2M (LwM2M). AVSystem says that Coiote is the first IoT device management platform in the industry designed to support constrained IoT devices at scale for both cloud providers.
This release reportedly aims to provide users with an end-to-end IoT device platform that provides users with critical information around the status of internet-connected devices and automates critical processes providing intuitive monitoring and increased user-accessibility single pane of glass approach to IoT device management.
The Future of IoT in the Public Cloud
As more organizations move to adopt an IoT model that leverages the public cloud, we see a continued push for more enhanced automation features and end-to-end device management systems due to the scaling challenges of the public cloud. As organizations grow and device counts move into the thousands, these technologies are critically important to unlock the offering of IoT in public rather than create more management overhead and lack of functionality.