One of the largest challenges when using the ESP32, or any microcontroller, is firmware development. On the spectrum of code difficulty, embedded firmware ranks near the top. That’s why Losant created the Embedded Edge Agent (EEA), which brings Losant’s low-code Visual Workflow Engine to resource-constrained devices and gateways, including the ESP32. In this webinar, Losant’s Chief Product Officer, Brandon Cannaday will provide a deep dive into using the EEA to remotely monitor and control an ESP32’s GPIO.  
In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to compile the EEA into your ESP32’s firmware using the ESP-IDF.
  • How to implement Registered Functions to expose native functionality to your Embedded Worklfows.
  • How to build and deploy Embedded Workflows to read and control the ESP32’s GPIO.
  • How to implement real-time alerting based your ESP32’s GPIO values.
  • How to visualize your ESP32’s GPIO using Losant Dashboards.


Brandon Cannaday
Brandon Cannaday
CPO and Co-Founder, Losant
I'm passionate about technology and how people, specifically other developers, interact with it. I enjoy creating the building blocks and watching people make use of it to solve their specific problems. By co-founding Losant in 2015, I'm going to help take the platform play to the next level by enabling IoT developers to quickly and easily build connected experiences.
Losant is an easy-to-use and powerful enterprise IoT platform designed to help teams quickly and securely build complex real-time connected solutions. Losant has a progressive product team composed of software engineers, solutions engineers, and a...
Losant is an easy-to-use and powerful enterprise IoT platform designed to help teams quickly and securely build complex real-time connected solutions. Losant has a progressive product team composed of software engineers, solutions engineers, and a...